1994.07.xx _ Funds for Hart Library should be restored or services to community will suffer

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1994.07.xx _ Funds for Hart Library should be restored or services to community will suffer


Cacciopoli, Marcelle


"John C. Hart Memorial Library Historical News Clippings" Binder, Volume 3, 1991-2019




This item is made available for research and educational purposes by the John C. Hart Memorial Library. Rights status is not evaluated.




Yorktown (N.Y. : Town)

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To the Editor:

As members of the Board of Trustees of the John C. Hart Memorial Library, we are saddehed to learn of the drastic budget cuts proposed by the Town Board. This will have a severe impact on the services provided by this Library. Presently we are.open 51 hours per week, which is short of the New York State minimum library standards.

If these budget cuts are Implemented; we anticipate a further reduction In hours and services. This means longer lines at the checkout and reference desks, reduced programs for children and adults, and decreased availability on the Community Room.

Hart Library is in the forefront of the '"Information Highway" and must continue to serve as the conduit for all Yorktown residents. We provide invaluable services to the entire community: libraries are great equalizers. They serve the rich and the poor, the young and old. They provide a myriad of materials ... books, magazines. records, cassettes, CDs, videos, audio tapes, toys and games to be borrowed and used at home. The Library serves as a refuge, provides respite, enlightenment and education. It allows people to expand their horizons and provides nourishment for the inind and spirit.

Job seekers use us as a primary resource for practical career counseling, resume writing, and job information. Senior citizens utilize our facilities at the library as well as our services at the Yorktown Nutrition Center. "Hart to the Homebound" reaches our beyohd the buildlng, using staff and volunteers to bring homebound taxpayers the books and other materials that make their lives more endurable. College and graduate students are frequent users of the library, availing themselves of the quiet atmosphere and the Inter-library loan services. Our librarians assist them In researching their post-graduate plans. High school, middle school and elementary school students use the Library for their research projects. For younger children, our pre-schoolers. ages 18 months to 5 years, as well as the elementary age student through the 7th grade, Hart Library has distinguished itself with well attended programs which foster curiosity, encourage exploration and engender enthusiasm towards reading and towards libraries -- a resource which wlll serve them for the rest of their lives.

Public libraries are among the most efficient of ·public services. Nationwide, they serve 66% of Americans using less and 1% of our tax dollars. Your annual tax bill for Hart Library's services and resources is less than the cost of a dinner for two!

As we all know, before this Library was expanded, the people ofthe Town of Yorktown passed a bond issue 4-1 in favor. sending a clear message that a modern. well-stocked library. operated by a professional staff, was something they felt was essential. It would be a pity after you won expansion of the Library to see its services reduced. Your voice was our strength then and is the source of our strength today . Please attend the public hearing on December 6th at 8 :00 pm at the Yorktown Community and Cultural Center to voice your support for restoration of the proposed cuts to the Library budget.

Marcelle Cacciopoli, Heather O'Donnell, Carol Franks-Randall. Audrey Sherman, Ray Strauber. Trustees.

Marcelle Cacciopoli

Original Format

News Clippings




Cacciopoli, Marcelle, “1994.07.xx _ Funds for Hart Library should be restored or services to community will suffer,” John C Hart Library Archive, accessed May 16, 2024, https://hartarchive.omeka.net/items/show/315.